Earlier this year I built a small robot for the RoboGames tablebot competition.
You can read about that robot
in my previous post.
I’ve now decided to update that robot for Robogames 2024, and also have the robot
tackle the fire fighting competition.
Hardware Upgrades
I competed in this fire fighting competition
about a decade ago, using a robot
with just an 8-bit AVR microcontroller for a brain and a bunch of dedicated
sensors. This time around, I’m going to leverage ROS 2, Navigation2, and
a thermal camera.
To accomplish this, I’m using a low-power Celeron-based computer. It’s smaller
and lower power than any of the NUC computers I’ve used before and runs right
off 12v. I added a second battery to support the computer.
I 3D-printed an entirely new chassis for the robot, in fire engine red.
The neck assembly contain the LD-06 lidar, and will soon have the thermal camera
and a fan to extinguish the candle:
I also built a mock up of the arena. I didn’t quite have an 8’x8’ area for the arena,
so I scaled everything to 7’x7’. In the real competition the hallways will be 2” wider,
so I expect that navigation will work better in the real thing.
Step 1: Build a Map
The first step once the robot was mostly assembled was to build a map. The standard
approach in ROS 2 is to use
Normally, this works pretty much out of the box. But the default parameters are
all tuned for full size buildings, and my entire arena is about the same width
as a typical hallway.
First change was to reduce the resolution of the map. I initially tried to map
with a 1 centimeter grid, however this seemed to cause issues because there is
a decent amount of noise in the low cost laser scanner I am using. A grid scale
of 2 centimeters caused the scan matcher to perform significantly better without
overly risking the map narrowing the hallways and doorways.
With the scan matcher now working, I began to map - but the map consistently exploded
about half way through. I pulled up the visualization of the pose graph in RVIZ, and
realized that we were getting false loop closures everywhere. The default loop
closure search size is 2.0 meters - that’s as big as the whole arena. Turning
this way down allowed the map to complete mostly intact.
Step 2: Localization
With a map in hand, attention is turned towards localization. There are a number
of parameters to tune here, and so visualization is a needed tool. Nav2 uses a
new, custom message for publishing the particle filter poses - so it is important
to install the nav2_rviz_plugins package.
With the particle filter poses visualized, I set about making a few changes:
Since the map is so small, and the robot moves so slowly compared to a full
size robot, I reduced the update_min_d parameter so that
localization will be updated frequently enough.
I drastically reduced the alpha parameters for the motion model.
Since the robot is quite small, the errors are also quite small. To get
good values for the alpha parameters, I basically tweak the
settings until the particle cloud diverges just the right amount - not too
much, but not too little either. I’ve frequently seen people tune the
parameters to be too tight, leading to a lack of particle diversity, which
can cause the cloud to converge to an incorrect value and never get back
to the correct pose.
Since we are using the likelihood model, only two parameters are used for
the probabilistic model: z_hit and z_rand. Since
the environment won’t change during the competition, and there are pretty
much no unknown obstacles, these can be set quite aggressively.
z_hit is set to 0.98, and z_rand is 0.02 - this
basically encodes that there is a 2% chance of a measurement that is not
based on something in the map.
At this point, localization was somewhat working, but not entirely reliable.
Starting to dig into the scoring a bit more, I reduced the value of
laser_likelihood_max_dist thinking that would make a big difference
since the default is 0.2 meters and my hallways are only about 0.35 meters wide.
But this had negligible effect. In reviewing the classic blue book (Probabilistic
Robotics by Thrun, Burgard and Fox), I noticed that I wasn’t actually changing
the correct parameter. sigma_hit was what really needed adjustment
since it controls how fast the probability drops off. Dropping this from
0.2 to 0.025 made a huge improvement in localization.
A few random remarks:
In reviewing the blue book I noticed that pretty much every implementation
of AMCL out there (and there are now several) don’t treat unknown space
outside of the map the way the book does. Every implementation propagates
the Gaussian values in both directions from the wall, rather than only going
into the free space that was raytraced during the map building phase. It
would seem that in some environments, this change could actually help with
localization accuracy.
In working with such close range data, I started to wonder if maybe there
should be some accounting for how long the range measurement is when computing
the probabilities. Most of the lasers on the market today specify the error
as a percentage of the range measured, and all of them have worse accuracy
for longer range measurements.
Step 3: Navigation
The next step is to fire up Navigation2. I setup
my config and launch files as a copy of the configuration that I used for the
UBR-1 robot navigation and then
started adjusting for the application:
I reduced the costmap size to 0.02 meters to match the map, tightened the
goal tolerances, and defined a square-ish footprint for the robot.
For my local controller, I set the appropriate velocity and acceleration
limits and drastically reduced the lookahead distances.
I was not getting the results I wanted at first with the GracefulController,
so I tried switching to the new MPPI controller. However, that turned out to
not be so easy. The MPPI controller is heavily optimized with vectorization/SIMD
instructions - but - I’m on a fairly low power Celeron processor that doesn’t
support many of the newer SSE / AVX instructions. I tried to build from source
and deactivate these optimizations, but kept running into an illegal instructions
and eventually returned to tuning the controller I know.
I will note that the Navigation2 documentation has some
great documentation
on debugging in complex ROS 2 projects. These notes allowed me to launch the
controller server in an xterm window, attached to gdb, and see exactly what
illegal instruction I was hitting:
Next Steps
That is pretty much where this project is at right now. I’ve got semi-reliable
navigation that isn’t entirely fast yet - but that’s not bad for just a few hours
of work. I’m going to continue tuning the navigation while also getting the higher
level controls worked out for the robot to complete the fire fighting task.
One of the benefits of being on sabbatical is that I don’t have to rush back to work
after ROSCon - and so I can sit around and write up some thoughts and themes
from the show.
Don’t expect me to tell you what the best talks were - I didn’t actually attend any talks.
You are not alone if that seems strange to you, my reasoning is that all the talks get
recorded and will be posted in a week or two but walking around talking with people can
only be done in person.
Getting New Contributors into Open Source Robotics Software
On the Tuesday prior to ROSCon, PickNik Robotics hosted MoveItCon with more than fifty
community members in attendance. The most interesting takeaway came from the opening
presentation slides:
Over the past year, 29 of 66 contributors to MoveIt2 were FIRST TIME contributors.
This stands in stark contrast to many of the more core ROS packages. I had
numerous discussions at both MoveItCon and ROSCon about why MoveIt2 has been so
successful in luring new contributors. The consensus was really around how little
friction new contributors encounter.
MoveIt2 has a large group of very active maintainers - who especially take the
time to help new contributors run through the gauntlet they might encounter. There are
a number of maintainer strategies at play for MoveIt2, but here are a few you could apply
to your own projects:
Actively maintain the list of tickets/issues on a project, culling out of date ones.
Instead of spending time tackling some of the easier issues, tag them “Good First Issue”
and then spend that time to help a new contributor to solve the bug or implement
a new feature.
Respond quickly to new PRs. Make sure feedback is constructive.
Have great documentation, especially around how to setup the development environment.
Be a cool/glamorous project. Ok, this is a bit harder for some of the essential open
source packages - but it is hard to deny that MoveIt2 and Nav2 aren’t both benefitting
at least a bit from this glamour.
During the closing at ROSCon, the audience was asked to raise their hand if this was their
first year at ROSCon - and I would say a majority of hands went up. I’m sure some of them
might be long time users or developers of ROS - but I wonder how many more of those people
we could help to contribute to ROS over the next year?
The Kids Are, Well, No Longer Kids
There have been 12 ROSCon/ROSWorld events. The folks that have been there from the beginning
are getting a bit older. We don’t stay out as late after the conference, and some of us
have likely forgotten what it was like just starting out in ROS or robotics. If you have
been around in ROS and robotics for a while, here’s some ideas for you:
Mentor some junior engineers. Connect them to people working on similar problems.
Point them at all that documentation you wrote years ago - you wrote documentation,
didn’t you?
You don’t have to just write code - review some code. Help junior developers get
their contributions merged.
Don’t burn out - take care of yourself physically and mentally - there were more than
a few people I talked to who aren’t actually as old as they feel - but much of robotics
is still taking place in fast-paced startups, and they can take a toll on you…
I certainly wish I had better paid attention to that last point when I was at Fetch
Robotics. Since leaving Fetch, I’ve lost 85 pounds and am probably in the best shape
of my life - and know I could have been a much better leader and mentor at Fetch
if I had not been burnt down most of the time.
What About Those New Faces?
If you are relatively new to ROS or robotics, you’re not alone - the community is still
growing fast. I had a number of people at both MoveItCon and ROSCon ask about what
they should be studying or learning. My answer evolved a bunch over the course of the
week - here’s what I landed on:
Find some really good mentors. ROS, and robotics in general, moves quicker than most
university programs can evolve. I’ve been fortunate to have some really great
mentors throughout my career, it is probably the biggest benefit from my
Willow Garage days.
Contribute some open source. Help out an existing project, or even find something that
is missing and go make it exist. At Cobalt Robotics, I encouraged my younger colleagues
to get involved and in addition to various bug fixes to ROS packages, they have also
published some pretty cool work - including an
image assembler for Livox lasers and
AR visualization of what your robot sees.
We Are So Back
I cannot even count how many people I talked to who have moved back to the greater
Boston area, or even the East Coast in general. Further, so many of them talking about
work-life balance. I really want to organize a “ROSCon In The Woods” next summer where we
just go for a hike and have a BBQ in like southern New Hampshire. Drop me a message if
you’d be interested in such a thing.
The Elephant In The Room
Finally, at ROSCon there was the elephant in the room - the acquisition of Open Robotics
by Intrinsic. Not much has really changed in how ROS is operating since the acquisition,
but there were still certainly discussions of “what if the level of support and funding goes
We in the ROS Community can’t actually do anything about that - so instead we should focus
on what we can do. Having a large open source project so largely maintained and funded by a
single organization is never great - just look at the struggle after the demise of Willow
Garage. Instead of worrying about what might happen, this is a great opportunity to
convince whomever you work for to contribute more to ROS, with both developer time and
money. Everyone can be an advocate for open source robotics software.
There was a shortage of entries in the
tablebot competition
shortly before the registration window closed for RoboGames 2023. To make sure the
contest would be held, I entered a robot. Then I had to build one.
What’s A Tablebot?
A tablebot lives on the table. There are three “phases” to the competition:
Phase I: Build a robot that goes from one end of a table to the other and back.
Phase II: Have the robot push a block off the ledge of the table.
Phase III: Have the robot push the block into a shoebox mounted at the end of the table.
There is also an unofficial Phase IV - which is to fall off the table and survive.
I did not attempt this phase.
The majority of tablebots are quite simple - a couple of sonar or IR sensors and they
kind of wander around the tabletop in hopes of completing the different phases. My
tablebot is decidedly different - and it paid off as the robot won the gold medal at
RoboGames 2023.
Robot Build
The entire robot is built of 3d printed parts and random things I had on hand.
I’ve had one of those $99 LD-06 lidars sitting around for a while, and decided this was
a great project to use it on. I used a Dynamixel AX-12 servo to tilt the laser so I can
find the table, the cube, or the goal.
All of the code runs on an STM32, on my custom Etherbotix board which was designed
for my Maxwell robot
a number of years ago. The robot uses
differential drive with some 30:1 12V gear motors, which were purchased from
Lynxmotion in 2008 and used in various fire fighting robots over the years.
A set of small digital Sharp IR sensors are used as cliff sensors. These can
be moved up or down to calibrate for different table surfaces using a pair of
adjustment screws. While the sensors are very accurate and stop the robot,
they don’t see far enough ahead when going at full speed, and so I also
use the laser to detect when the table edge is approaching.
Phase 1 Software
Phase 1 is pretty straight forward - and mostly based on dead reckoning odometry:
The laser is angled downwards looking for the table. This is done by projecting to
the scan to 3d points, and filtering out anything not in front of the robot at
roughly table height. When the table disappears (number of points drops too low),
we reduce our maximum speed to something that is safe for the cliff sensors to
While the laser sensors look for the end of the table, the robot drives forward,
and a simple feedback loop keeps the robot centered on the table using odometry.
When the cliff sensors eventually trigger, the robot stops, backs up 15 centimeters,
and then turns 180 degrees - all using dead reckoning odometry.
The maximum speed is then reset and we take off to the other end of the table with
the same behavior.
Phase 2 Software
The movements of Phase 2 are basically the same as Phase 1 - we drive forward,
staying centered with odometry. The speed is a bit lower than Phase 1 because the
laser is also looking for the block:
The laser scan is projected to 3d, and we filter out any points that are part
of the table based on height. These remaining points are then clustered and
the clusters are analyzed for size.
If a cluster is a good candidate for the block, the robot turn towards the block
(using, you guessed it, dead reckoning from odometry).
The robot then drives towards the block using a simple control loop to keep
the heading.
Once the block is arrived at, the robot drives straight until a cliff sensor
At that point, the robot stops the wheel on the side of the tripped cliff sensor
and drives the other wheel very slowly forward so that we align the front of
the robot with the edge of the table - ensuring the block has been pushed off
the table.
Phase 3 Software
The final phase is the most complex, but not by much. As with the earlier phases,
the robot moves down the table finding the block:
Unlike in Phase 2, the robot actually approaches a pose just behind the block.
Once that pose has been reached, the robot tilts the laser back to level and
finds the goal.
The robot then turns towards the goal in the same way it first turned towards
the block.
The robot then approaches the goal using the same simple control loop, and in
the process ends up pushing the block to the goal.
All of the software for my Tablebot is availble on
Robogames Video
Jim Dinunzio, a member of the Homebrew Robotics Club, took a video during the
actual competition at Robogames so you can actually see the winning set of runs:
To make development easier, I also wrote a Python GUI that renders the table,
the robot odometry trail, the laser data, and detected goals and cubes.
Fun with Math
Along the way I actually ran into a bug in the ARM CMSIS DSP library. I used the
arm_sin_cos_f32() function to compute my odometry:
This function takes the angle (in degrees!) and returns the sine and cosine of the
angle using a lookup table and some interesting interpolation. With the visualization
of the robot path, I noticed the robot odometry would occasionally jump to the
side and backwards - which made no sense.
Further investigation showed that for very small negative angles,
arm_sin_cos_f32 returned huge values. I dug deeper into the code and
found that there are several different versions out there:
The version from my older STM32 library, had this particular issue at very
small negative numbers. The same bug was still present in the official CMSIS-DSP
on the arm account.
The version in the current STM32 library had a fix for this spot - but that fix
then broke the function for an entire quadrant!
The issue turned out to be quite simple:
The code uses a 512 element lookup table.
For a given angle, it has to interpolate between the previous and next
entry in the table.
If your angle fell between the 511th entry and the next (which would be
the 0th entry due to wrap around) then you used a random value in the next
memory slot to interpolate between (and to compute the interpolation).
At one point, this resulted in sin(-1/512) returning outrageous values of
like 30.
With that bug fixed, odometry worked flawlessly afterwards. As it turned out,
I had this same function/bug existing in some brushless motor control code at
Robogames Wrap Up
It is awesome that RoboGames is back! This little robot won’t be making another
appearance, but I am starting to work on a RoboMagellan robot for next year.