Tag: robots
- UBR-1 on MoveIt2 (22 Oct 2024)
Finally using MoveIt on ROS2
- A New Local Planner (14 Oct 2024)
Implementing the graceful_controller package.
- Some Thoughts on Robotics Startups (01 Oct 2024)
A bit of a different type of blog post.
- ROS 2 in Parallels VM on MacOSX (08 Jan 2024)
How I'm using ROS 2 on my Macbook
- Navigation2 for Small Robots (22 Nov 2023)
A dumb robot gets smarter.
- A ROSCon 2023 Recap (24 Oct 2023)
Thoughts and themes from so many discussions.
- Building a Tablebot (29 Apr 2023)
This is the dumbest robot I've built in a while.
- UBR-1 on ROS2 Humble (21 Jun 2022)
Porting to ROS2 Humble
- A Review of 2020 (31 Dec 2020)
A look back at a strange year.
- Navigation in ROS2 (01 Sep 2020)
The UBR-1 is now cruising around autonomously.
- Porting EtherbotiX to ROS2 (25 Aug 2020)
Maxwell and the Robomagellan are making progress.
- Mapping and Localization in ROS2 (19 Aug 2020)
I built a map and localized the UBR-1.
- Some Notes on Cyclone DDS (12 Aug 2020)
I've been working with Cyclone DDS lately.
- ROS2 on MacOSX Catalina (10 Aug 2020)
I've got ROS2 Foxy and RVIZ2 running on MacOSX Catalina.
- 5 Things ROS2 Needs in 2020 (29 Jul 2020)
Take only what you need to survive.
- UBR-1 on ROS2 (Part 3) (16 Jun 2020)
Porting the head camera.
- UBR-1 on ROS2 (Part 2) (11 Jun 2020)
Porting robot_controllers to ROS2.
- UBR-1 on ROS2 (08 Jun 2020)
I've finally started to work in ROS2.
- Restoring a UBR-1 (04 Jun 2020)
I bought a UBR-1 on Craigslist and am working on restoring it.
- Outdoor Global Localization (01 May 2020)
I've managed to get some decent results for outdoor localization of the robomagellan robot.
- Compass Calibration (25 Apr 2020)
I'm making progress on my outdoor robomagellan robot.
- Robomagellan Update (10 Apr 2020)
It is really starting to feel like spring here in New Hampshire, so I've been reviving my Robomagellan robot.
- Robot Calibration for ROS (09 Apr 2020)
Calibration is essential for robots. I cover the usage and evolution of my robot_calibration ROS package.
- Blast From the Past: UBR-1 (08 Apr 2020)
A look back at my favorite little orange robot.
- 10 Years of ArbotiX (06 Apr 2020)
A look back at the evolution of the ArbotiX board.
- PS4 Controller and ROS (05 Apr 2020)
How to configure the PS4 controller to work with your ROS-based robot
- Reviving Maxwell (and this blog) (01 Apr 2020)
After a five year hiatus, the blog is back. So is Maxwell.
- Generating an IKFast Plugin for MoveIt (21 May 2013)
How to setup ikfast for a better inverse kinematics on your robot.
- Blast from the Past: PR-MINI (30 Apr 2013)
A look at the predecessor to Maxwell, a mini version of the PR-2
- PR-Shelf (29 Apr 2013)
- Update: ROS on Arduino (15 Mar 2013)
There are a number of ways to connect your hardware to ROS.
- 3D Mapping is Here (16 Feb 2013)
There are a number of 3d-SLAM applications now available in ROS.
- It's alive! (02 Dec 2012)
I've finally started building my RoboMagellan robot.
- New parts on Thingiverse (01 Sep 2012)
I've uploaded a couple robot parts on Thingiverse.
- Maxwell (Finally) Gets a Vertical Arm Lift (21 Dec 2011)
A new linear actuator gives Maxwell the ability to reach the floor and the table
- Update Palooza (21 Dec 2011)
- Maxwell vs Shallow Blue Video (15 Aug 2011)
Video of a robot chess match.
- Maxwell Wins at AAAI (12 Aug 2011)
Maxwell won 1st place in the 2011 AAAI Small Scale Manipulation Challenge.
- A New Gripper for Mini Max (01 Jul 2011)
New 3D printed grippers for Mini Maxwell.
- Introducing Mini Maxwell (26 Jun 2011)
I designed a little brother for Maxwell.
- Navigation with Maxwell (29 Apr 2011)
I recorded a small video of Maxwell navigating, under voice control.
- National Robotics Week, Day 6 - Stanford Robot Block Party (21 Apr 2011)
Maxwell journeys across the country to visit the Stanford Robot Block Party.
- National Robotics Week, Days 3 & 4 (14 Apr 2011)
I spent Monday and Tuesday at the IEEE Technologies for Practical Robotics Applications (TePRA)
- National Robotics Week, Day 1 (10 Apr 2011)
Highlights of my trip to the Trinity Fire Fighting Home Robot Contest.
- Localizing the Chess Board (03 Apr 2011)
A look at the perception side of the AAAI Small Scale Manipulation Challenge.
- Maxwell Moves A Chess Piece (30 Mar 2011)
Earlier today we got Maxwell moving chess pieces around a bit.
- A Look Inside Maxwell (29 Mar 2011)
I rebuilt Maxwell's base using a new design which allows the front plate to drop down for easy access to the ArbotiX2 prototype.
- Maxwell Gets an Emergency Stop (22 Mar 2011)
I added a big red panic button to Maxwell.
- Sensors Hate Dark Surfaces (20 Mar 2011)
A look at how laser scanners and Kinects interact with our surroundngs.
- Mapping with Maxwell (20 Mar 2011)
This afternoon I collected a very nice dataset and map of our lab at ILS.
- Introducing Maxwell, Part 2 (11 Feb 2011)
And now a video of Maxwell driving around.
- Introducing Maxwell (07 Feb 2011)
Maxwell is my latest attempt at a lowcost, human-scale mobile manipulator using an ArbotiX and ROS.
- Snow Day! (02 Feb 2011)
My entry to the ROS 3D contest, and a new robot to test it.
- Neato + SLAM (01 Jan 2011)
How to build a map with gmapping and a 360 degree laser.
- Other SLAM Algorithms: CoreSLAM, Part 3 (31 Dec 2010)
CoreSLAM is finally working.
- Other SLAM Algorithms: CoreSLAM, Part 2 (25 Dec 2010)
More progress on CoreSLAM in ROS.
- SLAM Data Sets (24 Dec 2010)
I've been developing a SLAM dataset.
- Other SLAM Algorithms: CoreSLAM (23 Dec 2010)
A look at alternative SLAM implementations.
- Neato+ROS: Now With SLAM! (14 Dec 2010)
It's alive! You can now build maps with ROS and the Neato XV-11.
- Neato+ROS (12 Dec 2010)
My initial work on a ROS driver for the Neato XV-11 robot is successful.
- The Armadillo Goes Mapping (01 Nov 2010)
Building maps with a small robot, Hokuyo laser and ROS.
- ROS and Other Ramblings (09 Aug 2010)
I've been working on a poor man's lidar for ROS navigation.
- Another Day of Printing (and Issy Building) (22 Jun 2010)
Another solid day of printing robot parts on the Makerbot.
- Issy's New Legs (10 Jun 2010)
Issy3 has a new foot 3d-printed foot design with integrated tactile feedback.
- Robogames Wrap-Up (20 May 2010)
Let's recap Robogames 2010
- Announcing the RX Bridge (09 Apr 2010)
If you're looking to build a giant robot, here is your tool
- SMALdog gets a new (printed!) head! (13 Mar 2010)
The saga of creating a 3d-printed head for SMALdog
- What's New in the Lab (17 Feb 2010)
Over the past month, Vanadium has released two new products, and has another on the way.
- Get Your IK On (03 Jan 2010)
The Nearly Universal Kinematics Engine (NUKE) is finally out in a first beta.
- Coming Soon: NUKE, and other ramblings.... (17 Dec 2009)
The Nearly Universal Kinematics Engine is nearly released.
- CNRG Report, And A New Robot (28 Nov 2009)
Issy didn't fare so well in the Fire Fighting competition
- Issy Goes Fire Fighting -- The Video (09 Nov 2009)
Check out the video of Issy fighting fires
- Introducing Sally (08 Nov 2009)
Video of Sally, a salamander-inspired robot.
- Bioloid Build Tips, #4 (16 Oct 2009)
More SES-based assemblies for Bioloid/Dynamixel.
- Reaver Demo (27 Sep 2009)
I've been working on assembling a Biped for mech warfare for a little while now.
- Bioloid Build Tips, #3 (24 Sep 2009)
Where to Buy Stuff, Part Two
- Beta Testing and Future Work (19 Sep 2009)
While the hardware of the arbotiX has been stable and ready to go for months, we've still been working to expand and refine the software suite.
- ArbotiX Beta 3 Released! (16 Sep 2009)
It's finally here! PyPose V0.91 is a complete rewrite of the software, using wxPython as the GUI package.
- Issy Goes Fire Fighting (14 Sep 2009)
I've been talking lately about building a walking fire fighter, but I've now finally started transforming Issy from a mech into a Fire Fighter
- Bioloid Build Tips, #2 (10 Sep 2009)
Socket head cap screws are an awesome upgrade for your bioloid kit, here's where to get them.
- Bioloid Build Tips, #1 (09 Sep 2009)
How to install nuts in Dynamixel servos
- arbotiX Prototypes (30 Aug 2009)
The first full batch of arbotiX prototypes is finally done after a summer of development and testing.
- Report from Robogames (21 Jun 2009)
Robogames 2009 is now over. Both of my bots faired quite well.
- Viva La Crate (12 Apr 2009)
Recap from 2009 Trinity Fire Fighting Robot Contest.
- Green Machine Reloaded (30 Mar 2009)
Trinity is just 6 days away. GMR is looking pretty good right now.
- Green Machine Reloaded, Part 2B (23 Feb 2009)
There's always gonna be some setbacks... such as the robot falls over when it comes to a stop.
- GMR Part Duex (18 Feb 2009)
I've nearly finished the assembly of GMR.
- Building GMR (09 Jan 2009)
I've made quite a bit of progress on GMR.
- Green Machine Reloaded (22 Dec 2008)
I'm rebuilding a new Fire Fighting robot from the ground up - the Green Machine Reloaded (GMR)
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